Demonstration of New Skills

Five new skills I have developed are:
Inset tool I had never used the inset tool till I started this module. I used the inset tool to help me create my castle easier and made it looked more effective and realistic structure.

Multi/Sub-object in the material editor helped me out a lot by letting me add different materials to the same model/object as long as I had set up polygon ids to the parts of the model.

I learn how to use the cloth modifier so that I can make my flag (plane) flap but to do that I need something to make it move so I also learn how to make wind by selecting space warps> forces> wind.

As a group we decided to do some unusual that has not been done before we decided to go with some rubble that will form into the builders so the effort that we found that was right was the Rayfire plug-in. I looked up tutorials and played around with the settings I found that the best setting for my castle was 300 Iterations fragmentations.